Hua Kong Chinese Pharmacy and Grocery

Hua Kong Chinese Pharmacy has been in Bacolod since 1949. It also is a small grocery store. Hua Kong is located on Tindalo Avenue, near the Triangle Shopping Center.

Since 1984, I have exclusively turned to Traditional Chinese Medicine when I needed medication, which is not often. Acupuncture, together with Chinese Herbal and Natural Medication works wonders for me!

The Traditional Chinese Medications and Herbs are bought OTC, over the counter, at Hua Kong. Tiger Balm, Golden Throat Lozenges and Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa Herbal Cough Elixir are 3 Natural Medications I keep on hand at home.

Hua Kong is one of the few places where you can buy the American Antacid, TUMS, which is also not a harsh medication.

There are knowledgeable staff on hand to tell you about Chinese Traditional Medicine.

Spices, Herbs and Health Drinks

Hua Kong is the best source in Bacolod for Spices and Herbs, used in your kitchen. It is the only seller of Prague Powder that I have seen, used in Sausage Making and Meat Curing.

Health Drinks! Hua Kong is the place to go. They have a number of types of Chinese tea, Ginseng Coffee and Coffee with Tongkat Ali. Alcohol drinks include Tsingtao Beer and Ginseng Wine, with the whole Ginseng Root in the bottle. It will get your motor running!

You will find Cashews, Walnuts and Almonds at Hua Kong, together with Sunflower Seeds as well.

A few days ago, I bought a large package of Pork Jerky at Hua Kong for P200.

I also bought Hopia that same day. Hopia is a Chinese-Filipino Pastry. Fillings include Pork, Mung Bean or Purple Yam. Hua Kong has several brands of Hopia and I like Salazar brand, Hopia Baboy, which has Pork filling.

Hua Kong has fresh Vegetables and an excellent source for buying Oranges and Apples. Canned Meats are also on the shelves, together with Condiments.

If you have never been to Hua Kong, I think you will enjoying browsing in their store.

I hope to see you one day, somewhere…all around Bacolod.

Your Amigo,

~ Gary ~