A Basket of Deplorables Propel Donald Trump To the White House

In my article today, the cover photo is of several different baskets of design, colors and size. I did this for a reason. Diversity!

Last September, Hillary Clinton stated that half of Donald Trump supporters were a Basket of Deplorables. She went on to say we were racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and Islmaphobic. I’m afraid I got some bad news for Hillary. Her comments were part of the reason she lost the election. Hillary’s words propelled Donald Trumps to turn out at the polls and vote for Donald Trump as the next President of the United States of America.

Hypocrisy At The Highest Level

You see, the Democratic Party prides themselves in being Liberals and Progressives. Same Sex Marriage, Abortion, LGBT Rights, Civil Rights, Unisex Public Restrooms, Beholders of Atheists, Socialism are part of the party platform. However, if you do not support their agenda, you are a basket of deplorables. That is not democracy and  it is actually un-American.

The Republican Legislators in the 1960s are the ones who voted to push passage of the Civil Rights Act. Many Democrats were Segregationists and Racists, who voted against the Act. Fact Check it!

Look at the Inner Cities of America. With the first Black American President in office for the past 8 years, why are there still Ghettos? Hell holes in reality. With prostitutes and drug dealers on almost every street corner and where gangs control the turf. With unemployment among Black American and Latino males pushing 60%. Something is wrong with that picture. Democratic Party Mayors have ruled Chicago my entire lifetime! Same as in other large cities with large Black American and Latino populations. Time to change that and President Donald Trump will change it. It is one of his priorities. The Democrats want to keep Black Americans and Latinos down at the bottom so they will depend on them for Social Welfare and thus keep voting for the failed Democratic Party Ideology.

President Donald J.Trump will drain the swamp in taking on the Washington Cartel.. It is time for real change and no longer hoping you will have a little bit of change…in your pocket. Dream Big! Your future is only limited by your imagination. America will be great again! Americans will be proud again! America will be safe again!

Myths About Republicans

We are not all racists but racism exists within both parties. I lived in Alabama and attended high school 1968-1972 there. A number of my male classmates were racists. One of my female classmates was a very beautiful Black American. I liked her and talked to her a few times. I was confronted and threatened if I continued talking to her. I could not take on the KKK, so, I stopped talking to her and avoided her. As I look back, I realize, it was a form of Domestic Terrorism!

One of my friends in Cebu City, Trish, refers to herself as “the most beautiful Lady Boy in Cebu.” Her orientation does not cause me to not like her. I enjoy her company and even enjoy lunch with her from time to time. I am not ashamed to be seen in public with her, however, some people talk bad about me. I am not concerned about them, their misconceptions or their thoughts. I am a Maverick. If I like certain people, I like them and no one can tell me otherwise. It is my decision alone.

I have no problem with the religion of Islam. There are 2 Mosques in Bacolod City, where I live. The Muslims in our city are not Radical Islamic Terrorists. They are business people for the most part, who play a large role in community building and in nation building. God bless them!

I have far more Filipino friends than I have American or other expat friends in Bacolod City. I did not move to the Philippines to hobnob with foreigners. My Filipino friends are in all walks of life. Vendors, employees, farmers and in Govt. I never think of their status other than they are my friends. And you can believe that!

I have been a Born Again Christian since 1972, however, it is not my job to condemn anyone. If I like ya, I will be with ya. If I do not like ya, I will not come around ya!

In the meantime, I hope to see ya one day, somewhere…all around Bacolod.

Your Amigo,

~ Gary ~

The Contract With America

Donald Trump pulled off the biggest political upset in history. I am reading all the sad comments and actual comments of hatred online toward Donald Trump since the US November 8 Election. Time to move on folks and accept Democracy in Action.

Yesterday, I watched the live speeches of both Hillary Clinton and President Obama. Both said the same thing. Americans and the world owe Donald Trump the opportunity to be a good President and keep an open mind. Thank you both for your kind words! Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu is a happy camper. The relationship between Israel and the USA had deteriorated over the past 8 years due to the White House Agenda. Shame on them!

President Duterte of the Philippines congratulated President Donald Trump yesterday. Rody said he looks forward to an enhanced relationship with America, with mutual respect. Rody did not seem to like Obama! He and Trump will get along fine. I really do Bo-Lieve!

There was a big change during the last two weeks of the hard fought Presidential Election. Donald put it all together in his Contract with America and it was one reason the course of the election changed…if you believed the polls. I never believed the polls because they are corrupt and slanted in favor of the Democratic Party. This was to discourage people from voting for Donald Trump and “wasting” their vote.

Contract With America

I will outline President Donald Trump’s Contract with America. With a majority in the House and the Senate, President Trump has the perfect Mandate of the American People. All in!

Building a Wall to secure America’s southern border and Mexico will pay for it! Illegal aliens who are felons will be deported. Hundreds of Americans have been killed by illegal alien criminals in the United States. Illegal Drugs flow freely across the American Border to poison Americans and destroy their lives. Immigrants will be welcome, as long as they follow the lawful process to obtain a Visa. Sanctuary Cities, which harbor illegal aliens, will have Federal Funds cut off.. Hear that, San Francisco?

Obama Care will be repealed and replaced with a Health Care Program that is affordable and no one will lose their health insurance. The Affordable Health Care under Obama is not affordable. Who can afford a monthly premium of $1.400 per month?

The EPA Regulations will be abolished and President Trump will put Coal Miners and Steel Workers back to work again. Shale, oil, natural gas and coal will once again be developed from America’s own natural resources. Thank God!

The US Military has been depleted in terms of number of forces, ships, planes and other equipment. President Trump will restore the American Military to greatness once again. America’s adversaries will respect us once again and America’s friends and allies around the world will trust us once again.

The US Veterans have been mistreated, abused and neglected. President Trump will ensure the Vets receive the medical treatment and medical care they deserve. If a VA Hospital is too busy, the Vets will be able to go to any private medical health care facility or doctor for the care they deserve. No more waiting days for treatment. Hip, Hip Hooray!

Term Limits will be placed on politicians. No more fat cats sitting on their fat azz and doing nothing in the Senate or Congress for decades. All some are doing is collecting a paycheck! More great news.

Only Judges who will defend and honor the US Constitution will be appointed to the Supreme Court. No more Judges who vote on issues along Democratic Party lines to distort the Constitution. Many military have given the ultimate sacrifice in foreign wars to protect the Constitution. Too many policemen have been killed in America for doing their duty of protecting citizens and protecting human rights under the Constitution.

Trade deals will be re-negotiated or torn up, if not fair. This includes NAFTA.

The Iranian Nuclear Deal will be voided and harsh economic sanctions will once again be placed on Iran, with their assets frozen. Iran is the largest supporter of Radical Islamic Terrorism around the world. Including in the Philippines and in the USA.

Social Security and Medicare Benefits will not be cut and the programs will be secured in funding.

Personal Income Tax will be cut and Tax Regulations that strangle business will be lowered. This will create millions of jobs across the land!

ISIS will be destroyed once and for all. The Generals and the Admirals hands will no longer be handcuffed to a failed White House Narrative. America will win again!

Blue Lives Matter. Law Enforcement Officers will once again be 100% supported and not branded as Racists due to the actions of only a few rogue cops. Those cops will be prosecuted if they break the law but Law Enforcement will no longer be Bastardized by politicians with a leftist and liberal ideology.

The Democrats have abused Black Americans and Latinos in the Inner Cities for decades. The Democrats only want their votes and never do anything to get them out of the hell holes they live in, aka Ghettos! Donald Trump will rebuilt the Inner Cities, creating jobs, opportunities will abound, schools will be good again and crime will decrease.

There are more items in the Contract with America but I will stop for now.

Surrogate for Donald Trump

As a foreigner living in the Philippines, I am not allowed to meddle in Philippines politics, although I read about it everyday and know what is happening. Hello Senator Antonio Trillanes! How ya doing?

For the past year, I have been an active surrogate for Donald Trump, online and among expat communities in Asia. Donald Trump has the Mission, the Vision and the Ability to make America Great Again!

President Donald Trump overcame all odds to win! A biased media, Democrats, old guard Republican politicians who wanted Jeb Bush to be the nominee, hired thugs to disrupt his rallies, hired women to tell lies about him, demonstrators who wanted to shut him up, a rigged Washington system, rigged polls and the devil himself.

However, God has Blessed America Again! Hallelujah!

I hope to see you one day, somewhere…all around Bacolod.

Your Amigo,

~ Gary ~

It’s A New Day

Americans kicked over the table, stood up against the biased media, against both Party’s elite and they elected Donald Trump as the next President of the United States of America. Mike Pence is the Vice President of the United States.

I advised people weeks ago not to call the election yet for Hillary and the rigged system. Americans abolished the rigging. There is a real Patriotic Movement in America and America will be great again! Americans told the establishment, the special interest groups and the corrupt politicians that they are sick of them and they took their country and the White House back. God bless America! God bless Americans!

The Domestic Policies and the Foreign Policies of a Republican President and a Republican majority in the House and Senate will affect expats living in the Philippines. Donald Trump has the Trifecta! The perfect Mandate of the people. We The People!

Time to drain the swamp and build the wall!

Donald Trump’s Policies with the Philippines will affect the country, regardless of who likes it. There is a new Boss, who will be in the White House in January. Donald does not take crap from anyone!

Why Donald Trump Won

I have Filipino friends in the Philippines, who are journalists. I told them for months that Hillary Clinton will not win. Why?

Hillary’s Middle East policy while she was Secretary of State, set the Middle East on fire. Libya, Iraq, Syria and she supported the Iran Nuclear Deal, giving Iran nuclear weapons in 10 years.

Hillary Clinton ignored 600 email from Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi, Libya, asking for more security. What happened? Ambassador Stevens and 3 other Americans were killed by terrorists, including 2 Navy Seals. Hillary Clinton lied to the American people, including the family of the murdered Americans, by blaming the death of the Americans on a You Tube Video. Why? Hillary and Obama said Libya was a success and there were not any terrorists in Libya. Four Americans being murdered by terrorists in Libya did not fit the White House narrative, so initially, there was an attempt to cover it up. A Congressional investigation uncovered the truth.

Hillary Clinton received a subpoena from the US Congress to turn over all her email, which were on an illegal private server, not  a dot Gov email address as well. What did she do? Hillary deleted all her email and used Bleach Bit to erase any trace of the email. Hillary’s aides took hammers to multiple Blackberry’s to destroy them. All that is Obstruction of Justice.

While under an FBI investigation, Hillary’s husband, former President Bill Clinton, met privately on a plane with DOJ Secretary Loretta Lynch. Bribe? More Obstruction of Justice in the very least.

Hillary lied to the American People. She lied to Congress and she lied to the FBI. Perjury!

Donald Trump will make America great again. All the criminal politicians will be held accountable by the new Admin Attorney General.

The majority of Americans are not as stupid as the Democratic Party thinks they are. I hope all the celebrities keep their word and move from the USA if Donald Trump is elected. Good riddance and do not let the door hit you in the azz on your way out! Donald Trump is indeed elected as new President.

I hope to see you one day, somewhere, all around Bacolod!

Your Amigo,

~ Gary ~